February 2024 news
We’re underway to Florida for a stay at Port St Joes in the Panhandle. We’re returning to a favorite destination with our cat Samantha B and our laptops.
February 2, Friday is Groundhog Day. We await a special forecast from a groundhog named Phil. According to legend. Punxsutawney Phil, a 20 pound groundhog in Pennsylvania, makes his weather prediction for the coming season. If it’s sunny and he sees his shadow, it’s said we’ll see six more weeks of winter. If it’s cloudy and he doesn’t see his shadow, the prediction is for an early spring. This tradition is from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day and sees its shadow, it will retreat to its den and winter will go on for six more weeks; if it does not see its shadow, spring will arrive early. Consider the source.
February is a busy month for boat shows. They’re in six cities: Rockford IL. Indianapolis IN, Edison NJ, Atlantic City NJ, Miami FL and Seattle WA. Find out more about the shows at https://bringbinoculars.com/category/n-events/
February 11 Sunday is Superbowl Las Vegas
February 12, Monday is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday and we’re celebrating our 58 year anniversary. Who knew it would last this long?
February 14, Wednesday is Valentine’s Day. Do something nice for someone you love.
Feb 19, Monday is Presidents’ Day defined by the National Archives “as the third Monday in February, when we honor our first President, George Washington, whose birthday is February 22.” It explains we also traditionally honor President Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday is February 12.
February 24, Saturday is known as the Full Snow Moon. The name comes from the cold, snowy weather in North America during February. Other names for this moon include the storm moon and the hunger moon. For more about the moon click Viewing the Moon https://bringbinoculars.com/stargazing/viewing-the-moon/