January 2024 News
January 1, Monday, Happy New Year. It’s 2024 and we hope this new year starts out great and just keeps getting better.
January 15, Monday is Martin Luther King Jr Day It is also known as MLK Day, a federal holiday in the United States that honors the life of Martin Luther King Jr..
January 25, Thursday is Full (Wolf) Moon. The earth is directly between the Sun and the Moon so the Moon is fully illuminated. Why is it called a “Wolf” Moon? The only reason we can find is that wolves are particularly active at this time of year.
Consider this for a New Year resolution. Follow an interest you have and go to an event like a birding festival, boat show, star party or travel and RV show. Find an activity or destination that piques your interest and find an event near you. On the Events page https://bringbinoculars.com/category/events/ in January you’ll find 12 boat shows, eight travel and RV shows and one birding festival.
At the close of 2023 this site’s data logs for the most popular stories from last year tell us Florida is a winner in the Boating and Traveling categories. Birders top pick was knowing the pros and cons of using a monocular and spotting scopes. Stargazers continue to follow the International Space Station when it flies over their home, and a red dot finder (RDF) is the most popular binocular accessory. Below are links to those stories.
Boating: Boating in the FL Panhandle https://bringbinoculars.com/category/events/
Traveling: Florida Keys Road Trip on A1A https://bringbinoculars.com/traveling/florida-keys-road-trip-on-a1a-the-overseas-highway/
Birding: Monoculars and Spotting Scopes for Birding https://bringbinoculars.com/birding/compare-features-of-a-monocular-and-spotting-scope-for-birding/
Stargazing: Watching the ISS Pass Overhead https://bringbinoculars.com/stargazing/watch-the-iss-pass-overhead/
Using Binocs: Sharpen Your View with a Red Dot Finder https://bringbinoculars.com/using-binocs/sharpen-your-view-with-a-red-dot-finder/