How Binoculars Help Find Fish Fast

Captain Scott Walker of Into The Blue shares the best way to find fish. He believes that a pair of binoculars one of the most important tools to have on a boat. In this video he explains the different types of binoculars that he uses, and another method for those days where visibility is limited.
Moon Phase Video

Enjoy this video from NASA illustrating in music and animation the phases of the moon.
What is Eye Relief

With a clear illustration the speaker explains how to adjust the eye cups of binoculars to accommodate your eyes with or without eyeglasses. This video is short and to the point so watch it more than once to understand how to get the best viewing experience. You might also be interested in: Another Successful NASA […]
Binos for Birding

Binos for birding explains how to use binoculars with tips about adjusting and focusing them in detail. This 9-minute video is a must-see for beginning birders who are choosing binoculars for birding. Watch it and you’ll learn about the sizes of field glasses and what’s good for viewing birds. This is a consumer’s report on […]
Get Started Stargazing

This 6-minute video is for anyone who wants to get started stargazing by observing the night sky with binoculars. It features Will Gater of Sky at Night magazine and the BBC. Binoculars are easier and less expensive than a telescope and are a good introduction to the night sky. You’ll learn about 10×50 binoculars which […]
Binocular Magnification

This short video from Eagle Optics shows real life examples about different binocular magnification. Learn about how to magnify an image for the best view of an object. You’ll see how binocular magnification works and affects what you see through binoculars. In four minutes you’ll see good examples of different magnification and how it affects […]