2025 Birding Festivals

Why do so many birders make an annual trip to a birding festival as part of their vacation plans? You have to attend one to know what you’re missing. You’ll be part of a happy group of birders who love nothing more than scouring a nature trail in search of their favorite feathered friends. These […]

May 2024 News

The month of May brings sunshine and promises of summer, the closing days of school and plans for vacations in warm weather. May 4 Saturday is the race day for the Kentucky Derby. May 4-5 The Eta Aquariids is a meteor shower associated with Halley’s Comet best seen between April 19 and May 28 with […]

April 2024 News

Signs of Sping are everywhere and hopefully that’s true for everyone. April’s big news is the total solar eclipse in the early part of the month. Later April brings more about Mother Nature in the month on Earth Day and Arbor Day. Monday, April 1 April Fools Day (No foolin’) Tuesday, April 2 through Monday, […]

2023 Birding Festivals

Enjoy the outdoors and company of fellow bird lovers while searching for your favorite feathered friends at a birding festival.