September News
Star Parties, Birding Festivals, Boat Shows and RV Shows
September is all about going back to school and new experiences as summer ends and (hopefully) cooler weather will replace what was a long hot summer for many of us. Here’s what’s happening.
Word Camp at National Harbor, Washingon D.C.
We attended the annual Word Press conference recently and enjoyed learning about the many tools and programs offered by our site’s platform. We particularly enjoyed sessions about NASA Science and All the President’s Websites. NASA Science is the new NASA flagship site in beta testing now. Teams of developers and content managers from Word Press and NASA joined forces to build NASAScience.gov as the mission control of the 100 NASA sites. And Word Press and the Biden Adminstation combined their efforts to build from scratch the latest White House.gov in a record-breaking six weeks. The deadline was January 20, 2021 when Joe Biden was sworn into office as the 46th president. Wow! Amazing effort by all.
September 2-4 Labor Day Weekend
Labor Day is a federal holiday in the United States celebrated on the first Monday in September to honor and recognize the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States. The three-day weekend it falls on is called Labor Day Weekend.
The first week of September we’ll be attending a conference of outdoor writers meeting at the Lodge at Gulf Shores State Park in Alabama. We’re looking forward to a nice road trip there and revisiting some of the places we once visited by boat doing the Loop Cruise circunavigating the eastern half of the United States.
Throughout the month you’ll find several events about stargazing, birding, boating and traveling by RVs and motor homes. Here’s a listing of them.
Star Parties
September 8-16 Okie-Tex Star Party Kenton OK
September 15-17 Connecticut Star Party Goshen CT
September 15-17 Eastern Iowa Star Party Dixon IA
September 15-16 Hidden Hollow Star Party Mansfield OH
September 15-22 Black Forest Star Party Coudersport PA
Birding Festivals
August 31- September 3 Yampa Valley Crane Festival Steamboat Springs CO
September 9-10 Audubon of RI Raptor Weekend Briston RI
September 14-17 Rockport-Fulton Hummingbird Celebration Rockport TX
September 15-17 Hawk Ridge Weekend Festival Duluth MN
September 23-30 Houston Bird Week Houston TX
Boat Show
September 21-24 Norwalk Boat Show https://www.boatshownorwalk.com/
RV Show
September 13-17 Hershey RV Show https://www.largestrvshow.com/
Full Moon is September 29
The full moon is called the “harvest moon” because the bright moon occurs closest to the start of autumn. Long before electricity, farmers depended on the Moon’s light to harvest their crops late into the night. It’s also called the “Corn moon” because early Native American peoples traditionally used some variation of the name “Corn Moon” to refer to the Moon in August or September.