The month of May brings sunshine and promises of summer, the closing days of school and plans for vacations in warm weather.
May 4 Saturday is the race day for the Kentucky Derby.
May 4-5 The Eta Aquariids is a meteor shower associated with Halley’s Comet best seen between April 19 and May 28 with peak activity on or around May 5.
May 12 Sunday is Mother’s Day. Don’t forget to remember your mom.
May 23 Thursday is the Full Flower Moon. Here’s a link to Full Moon Watch
May 27 Sunday is Memorial Day, a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.
This month there are 4 Birding Festivals and 1 Star Party:
May 1-4 Birdiest Festival in America http://birdiestfestival.org Corpus Christi TX
May 1-4 Southwest Spring Fling https://www.swwings.org/ Sierra Vista AZ
May 2-5 SJAC Spring Star Party https://sjac.us/star-party Belleplain State Forest NJ
May 8-11 Mid-South Star Gaze
Rainwater Observatory, French Camp MS https://rainwaterobserva
May 16-19 Cape May Spring Festival Cape May NJ https://njaudubon.org/cape-may-spring-festival/
May 16-19 Great Salt Lake Bird Festival Farmington UT https://www.daviscountyutah.gov/greatsaltlakebirdfest
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