November News
November 4, Saturday Eagle Day at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary. We’re looking forward to visiting this event in Kempton, PA. Their program will feature an up close look at a golden and bald eagle courtesy of Carbon County Environmental Education Center.
November 5, Sunday Eastern Standard time begins so set clocks to “fall back” one hour.
November 11, Saturday Veteran’s Day is a federal holiday in the United States to honor all the military veterans of the United States Armed Forces.
November 23, Thursday is Thanksgiving, a national holiday celebrated in the U.S. on the fourth Thursday of November. It’s a day to give thanks and spend time with family, relatives and friends, often watching parades and football games and eating plentiful turkey dinners and pumpkin pie.
November 27, Monday is a Full “Beaver” moon named by early Americans who saw busy beavers building their winter nests at night by the light of the moon.
It’s a short November events list in November with only three Birding Festivals listed below.
November 4-5 Lodi Sandhill Crane Festival Lodi CA
November 8-12 Rio Grande Birding Festival Harlingen TX
November 30 – December 4 North Shore Birding Festival Mount Dora FL
Looking back to October IMAGE of Dupont Nature Center USE AS FEATURED IMAGE
Last month we were part of a small group organized by the Delmarva Birding Festival to observe waterfowl and shorebirds. We began at the DuPont Nature Center in Milford, DE near Cedar Creek. We didn’t dally because the entrance road runs parallel to Cedar Creek and the tide was starting to spill over the road. We had a nice view of gulls, terns and some American Oystercatchers with their striking bright reddish orange bills. As we drove out we saw one of the vessels of the Cedar Creek Launch Service that provides safe transport of personnel and supplies to large tanker vessels anchored in Delaware Bay.
Our next stop was a saltmarsh preserve at Slaughter Beach where several yellow-rumped warblers hid in the foliage of the bushes in the marsh. Snowy egrets and a Blue Heron were in a distant pond. At Fowler Beach sandpipers, plovers, terns and gulls outnumbered many other species who picked and pecked in the sandy beach. A nice afternoon of bird watching.
Sad News
Below is some unfortunate news from Cornell Lab of Ornithology about the death of migrating birds in early October.
One Night. One Building. 1,000 Birds Dead
During the night and morning of October 4-5 nearly 1,000 migrating birds were killed during a major bird-collision event in Chicago, Illinois. The birds died after colliding into the McCormick Place Lakeside Center during the height of their annual fall migration. Weather patterns played a role, but even before this unfortunate event, the building’s reflective glass walls and bright lighting were known to be a problem. Conservationists have long voiced concerns over McCormick Place as a danger to birds due to its position along Lake Michigan’s lakefront where a lot of birds travel. ABC is calling for the management of McCormick Place to act now to prevent future bird collision tragedies, and for the Chicago City Council to fully implement the city’s bird-friendly buildings ordinance. During the night and morning of October 4-5 nearly 1,000 migrating birds were killed during a major bird-collision event in Chicago, Illinois. The birds died after colliding into the McCormick Place Lakeside Center during the height of their annual fall migration. Weather patterns played a role, but even before this unfortunate event, the building’s reflective glass walls and bright lighting were known to be a problem. Conservationists have long voiced concerns over McCormick Place as a danger to birds due to its position along Lake Michigan’s lakefront where a lot of birds travel. ABC is calling for the management of McCormick Place to act now to prevent future bird collision tragedies, and for the Chicago City Council to fully implement the city’s bird-friendly buildings ordinance.