May 2024 News

The month of May brings sunshine and promises of summer, the closing days of school and plans for vacations in warm weather. May 4 Saturday is the race day for the Kentucky Derby. May 4-5 The Eta Aquariids is a meteor shower associated with Halley’s Comet best seen between April 19 and May 28 with […]

How Binoculars Help Find Fish Fast

Captain Scott Walker of Into The Blue shares the best way to find fish. He believes that a pair of binoculars one of the most important tools to have on a boat. In this video he explains the different types of binoculars that he uses, and another method for those days where visibility is limited.

Red Dot Finder

Some copy here You might also be interested in: Watch the ISS Pass Overhead More Videos Videos Gene and Katie Hamilton are long-time writers about using binoculars for boating, bird watching, stargazing and traveling. They are members of the Outdoor Writers Association of America.

Home Inspection

You might also be interested in: What is Eye Relief Watch the ISS Pass Overhead Binocular Parts – Crossword Puzzle Videos Gene and Katie Hamilton are long-time writers about using binoculars for boating, bird watching, stargazing and traveling. They are members of the Outdoor Writers Association of America.

Smart Phone Handle

Lead Copy Here You might also be interested in: Watch the ISS Pass Overhead More Videos Videos Gene and Katie Hamilton are long-time writers about using binoculars for boating, bird watching, stargazing and traveling. They are members of the Outdoor Writers Association of America.

What the numbers mean

Copy Here You might also be interested in: Watch the ISS Pass Overhead More Videos Videos Gene and Katie Hamilton are long-time writers about using binoculars for boating, bird watching, stargazing and traveling. They are members of the Outdoor Writers Association of America.

December 2024 News

Happy New Year. It’s 2024 and we hope this new year starts out great and just keeps getting better. Consider this for a New Year resolution. Follow an interest you have and go to an event like a birding festival, boat show, star party or travel and RV show. Find an activity or destination that […]

Road Trip Widgets – Road Trips

Road Trips Click on Image to see Bethany Beach Live Florida Keys on A1A Delaware Beach Towns Outer Banks, NC Finger Lakes Upstate NY